
Compositional Reliability Analysis for Probabilistic Component Automata

In this paper we propose a modelling formalism, Probabilistic Component Automata (PCA), as a probabilistic extension to Interface Automata to represent the probabilistic behaviour of component-based systems. The aim is to support composition of component-based models for both behaviour and non-functional properties such as reliability. We show how addi- tional primitives for modelling failure scenarios, failure handling and failure propagation, as well as other algebraic operators, can be combined with models of the system architecture to automatically construct a system model by composing models of its subcomponents. The approach is supported by the tool LTSA-PCA, an extension of LTSA, which generates a composite DTMC model. The reliability of a particular system configuration can then be automatically analysed based on the corresponding composite model using the PRISM model checker. This approach facilitates configurability and adaptation in which the software configuration of components and the associated composition of component models are changed at run time.

P. Rodrigues, E. Lupu and J. Kramer,  Compositional Reliability Analysis for Probabilistic Component Automata, to appear in International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE), Florence, May 16-17, 2015.