
Argumentation-based Security for Social Good

The paper “Argumentation-based Security for Social Good” presented at the AAAI Spring Symposia 2017 is now available at the AAAI Technical Report.

Title: Argumentation-Based Security for Social Good

Authors: Erisa Karafili, Antonis C. Kakas, Nikolaos I. Spanoudakis, Emil C. Lupu

Abstract: The increase of connectivity and the impact it has in ever day life is raising new and existing security problems that are becoming important for social good. We introduce two particular problems: cyber attack attribution and regulatory data sharing. For both problems, decisions about which rules to apply, should be taken under incomplete and context dependent information. The solution we propose is based on argumentation reasoning, that is a well suited technique for implementing decision making mechanisms under conflicting and incomplete information. Our proposal permits us to identify the attacker of a cyber attack and decide the regulation rule that should be used while using and sharing data. We illustrate our solution through concrete examples.

The paper can be found in the following link:

A video of the presentation can be found in the workshop page AI for Social Good and also in following link:

An argumentation reasoning approach for data processing

The paper “An argumentation reasoning approach for data processing” is now published in the Elsevier Journal Computers in Industry.

Title: An argumentation reasoning approach for data processing

Authors: Erisa Karafili, Konstantina Spanaki, Emil C. Lupu

Abstract: Data-intensive environments enable us to capture information and knowledge about the physical surroundings, to optimise our resources, enjoy personalised services and gain unprecedented insights into our lives. However, to obtain these endeavours extracted from the data, this data should be generated, collected and the insight should be exploited. Following an argumentation reasoning approach for data processing and building on the theoretical background of data management, we highlight the importance of data sharing agreements (DSAs) and quality attributes for the proposed data processing mechanism. The proposed approach is taking into account the DSAs and usage policies as well as the quality attributes of the data, which were previously neglected compared to existing methods in the data processing and management field. Previous research provided techniques towards this direction; however, a more intensive research approach for processing techniques should be introduced for the future to enhance the value creation from the data and new strategies should be formed around this data generated daily from various devices and sources.

This work was supported by FP7 EU-funded project Coco Cloud grant no.: 610853, and EPSRC Project CIPART grant no. EP/L022729/1.

The paper can be found in the following link as Open Access:

Sharing Data Through Confidential Clouds: An Architectural Perspective

Cloud and mobile are two major computing paradigms that are rapidly converging. However, these models still lack a way to manage the dissemination and control of personal and business-related data. To this end, we propose a framework to control the sharing, dissemination and usage of data based on mutually agreed Data Sharing Agreements (DSAs). These agreements are enforced uniformly, and end-to-end, both on Cloud and mobile platforms, and may reflect legal, contractual or user-defined preferences. We introduce an abstraction layer that makes available the enforcement functionality across different types of nodes whilst hiding the distribution of components and platform specifics. We also discuss a set of different types of nodes that may run such a layer.

 Daniele Sgandurra, Francesco Di Cerbo, Slim Trabelsi, Fabio Martinelli, and Emil Lupu: Sharing Data Through Confidential Clouds: An Architectural PerspectiveIn proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRivacy and SEcurity, 2015 IEEE/ACM, pp. 58-61, DOI: 10.1109/TELERISE.2015.19. Bibtex.