LTSA-PCA : Tool support for compositional reliability analysis


Software systems are constructed by combining new and existing services and components. Models that represent an aspect of a system should therefore be compositional to facilitate reusability and automated construction from the representation of each part. In this paper we present an extension to the LTSA tool  that provides support for the specification, visualisation and analysis of composable probabilistic behaviour of a component-based system using Probabilistic Component Automata (PCA). These also include the ability to specify failure scenarios and failure handling behaviour. Following composition, a PCA that has full probabilistic information can be translated to a DTMC model for reliability analysis in PRISM. Before composition, each component can be reduced to its interface behaviour in order to mitigate state explosion associated with composite representations, which can significantly reduce the time to analyse the reliability of a system. Moreover, existing behavioural analysis tools in LTSA can also be applied to PCA representations.

LTSA-PCA software
Demonstration Video
P. Rodrigues, E. Lupu and J. Kramer LTSA-PCA: Tool Support for Compositional Reliability Analysis, ICSE 2014, (formal demonstrations), Hyderabad, May 31 – June 7, 2014. download preprint of the paper.